My first wax succulent that I sculpted 100% by hand

5 succulents that I created using 11 different wax molds. Each mold created one leaf of a various size that I then adhered to a central wax stem.

One half of the succulents sprued for a direct pour method

The other half of the succulents sprued for a J pour method

Investment cages built

Post investment pour

Post wax burnout, and set up for bronze pour. The covers help to keep debris out of the vents while setting up is taking place. (the back two are mine, the other four are Greg Reuter's

Post prayer to foundry gods and the pouring of bronze

Post investment break out, these are the direct pour succulents

And these are the J pour succulents (sorry about the blurry photo)

After the investment was cleaned off. All leaves intact!!